Four Reasons You Should be Dating Through the Holiday Season


Are you single during the holiday season? Are you wondering if dating during the holidays may not work? Well, I’ve got great news for you! Even though it seems that everyone around you is in a relationship unlike you, the reality is that there are plenty of other singles out there, just like you searching for love during the holiday season. So, stop waiting and get dating! Here are the Matchmaker’s four reasons you should be dating through the holiday season:

1. People are ready for a fresh start

Ever hear of New Year’s resolutions? The same happens in personal life, singles want to change something about that status and are open-minded during the holidays to meet someone special. After all, we all want to share the holidays with someone special, cuddle up in a blanket and watch a cheesy holiday romance movie. It’s all about that special moment and that person we want to share it with. The holidays are a reminder that we do not want to be alone and a lot of people use this time to find someone special.

2. There are plenty of singles out there for dating

Dating during the holidays offers plentiful opportunities to meet new people. Think of all the holiday events and gatherings going around town during the holiday season. Think of all the new people travelling for the holidays and going to all the new to them places. There are many event apps and social media outlets that can be used to find fun activities during the holidays that attract like-minded singles, who are looking for the opportunity to meet someone. The winter holidays are no time for you to stay home, especially in a sunny South Florida, so get out there and meet new people!

3. Family and friends are suddenly matchmakers

Those same holiday gatherings with friends and family are now great opportunities for you to meet someone or be introduced to someone. Suddenly Aunt Betty remembers a good lad who recently moved down the street and who happens to be single. Now that she sees you at a holiday family get together she will tell you all about him. Your coworkers may have been waiting for weeks to introduce you to a lovely woman who is on a different floor, and corporate holiday party will do the trick. People around you will try to match you and you should let them. They will feel good about doing something nice and you might just marry that person one day.

4. Meeting people is easier

Most people do not want to be alone or single, especially during the holidays, so they keep an open mind and open heart to new possibilities and new people. People are friendlier during holidays and are easily engaged in conversations. There are plenty of topics to pick from for a conversation starter. There is also a sort of urgency in it, as people do not want to continue the holiday season alone. The opportunities are there for the taking.

Dating is tough during holiday or not, so stay confident in your success to meet someone and remain positive. Have fun dating and meeting people, it is a process, not a task.

Smoky Matchmaker is Here to Help

Smoky Matchmaker offers a range of services such as Relationship Coaching Consultation, Conscious Dating Blueprint, In-Field Date CoachingSingles Mixers, Speed Dating Events and Personalized Matchmaking. If you are ready to get started on finding your life partner, reach out today!

Happy Dating!

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