Getting Date Ready

Hooray! You’ve got a date!


Now all you have to do is get a date ready to look perfect when you meet them in person, for that very important first impression! 

First impressions matter. 

Everyone knows that first impressions are very important, in fact, studies suggest that an average person only needs three seconds to decide if they like someone they just met. That’s right, you only have 3 seconds to form someone’s opinion of you. A great first impression also nearly guarantees a second date! No pressure.

A perfect spot.

First things first. A perfect first date location. Best place would be somewhere where both parties can sit down and talk, get to know each other. Something like a coffee shop or a restaurant is great. It is a gentleman’s job to make the reservation, but be sure to ask your date what they prefer, you don’t want to find yourself in a steakhouse and find out your date is a vegan.

Timing is everything.

A perfect date needs a perfect day. Sundays are best for the first in-person date. Everyone is relaxed from the work week and perhaps had done some fun stuff over the weekend they may want to share. Keep the date short and sweet, even if it feels like you could spend an eternity together. On the other hand, if you can not wait for a date to be over, the last day of the weekend provides that exit strategy. 

The outfit.

A perfect look will make that first impression truly grand! A nice, ironed, button-up shirt always does the trick, add some stylish jeans or khakis, slip into your business casual shoes and you are good to go! Sports blazer, if the weather permits, will polish the look. Now, let’s talk about other important aspects of the date ready look. 

The look. 

Unless you rock a beard, a clean shave is a great idea; you never know, you might get a smooch on a cheek. Another important thing to remember is clean nails. Now it does not matter if you are a mechanic or a finance guy, there is no excuse to have dirty nails. Remember fresh breath too, even if you are a smoker, be sure to not smoke right before the date and have a breath mint before the date or two, just in case. A bit of cologne is a nice touch, please do not bathe in it, no one likes that. 

One last thing.

Be sure to arrive early and be at the table before your date comes, stand up to greet her, and remember to be polite to your wait staff. Finally, relax, take a deep breath and have a good time. 

Remember, knowledge is power and continuous learning and growing as a person is incredibly attractive. Learn more dating advice from other experts in the dating industry right here.

If you feel that you could use some more in depth coaching on how to be ready for dates, how to polish your looks or just need general advice on everything dating don’t hesitate to reach out, we are here for you. Click here to reach out and start enjoying dating.

Good luck!


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Happy Dating!

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